WDS Construction has been working in the plasma donation environment for several years, repurposing existing buildings into medical clinics and building new facilities from the ground up. We’ve completed several dozen projects across the United States, working to create aesthetic patient spaces and state-of-the-art environments for staff.
But what exactly is plasma donation, and why is it so important?
Plasma is the yellowish, liquid component of blood, accounting for approximately 55% of its overall content. It contains water, proteins, and antibodies. However, unlike whole blood donations, plasma collection involves extracting of the plasma and returning the red blood cells to the donor’s body in a process known as plasmapheresis. This allows donors to give plasma more frequently than whole blood.
Because plasma contains antibodies and proteins that are essential to a number of medical conditions, the need for donated plasma is extremely high. Some patients have conditions that prevent their bodies from even producing these vital components.
Plasma is used for a number of treatments, including:
The need for plasma donation centers will continue to grow in the coming years, due to a number of factors, including:
Although plasma donation centers continue to be constructed across the country, many people really don’t understand the purpose or benefits of plasma donation. As medical treatments and technologies continue to advance, new uses for these donations may continue to be found.
For WDS Construction, serving the medical community in this capacity aligns with our mission of being Built to Build Better, in this case building better and more resilient communities. And if our stakeholders have a new awareness of the life-saving benefits of plasma therapy and are encouraged to donate, all the better.
Check out your local plasma donation center to learn about how you can get involved. If you are looking to learn how WDS Construction can help make your next medical clinic a reality, reach out to me at bbeer@wdsconstruction.net, and let’s discuss your project needs.